“After a whirlwind romance my future husband and I decided to get married in a tiny medieval chapel on the outskirts of Rome. After the ceremony Nick whisked me away on the back of my brothers old scooter (narrowly missing the oncoming traffic), to a family run trattoria my family had been going to for years. There we celebrated with a small group of close friends and family. It really was the perfect day. Now happily settled in the beautiful hills of Umbria, I began to think wouldn't it be wonderful if other people could experience such an unforgettable day. So began the Sagra in Casa wedding project. Getting married abroad can be a very romantic idea, but the practicalities of organising a wedding in a country you have little experience of and in a language you may not speak, can be at best extremely daunting!. Why not let me help you with the organisation for your perfect day. From the ceremony best suited to you, the locations available, villa rentals, catering, photography and local transport. In short everything you need, I can help suggest, advise and book your dream wedding.”
Let me organise your Wedding Day in the Italian country style If you’re planning a wedding in Italy near Orvieto, I would like to propose to you a perfect wedding in the Italian country style, in short like a SAGRA. Tables and benches, a few simple accessories for the table, food and wine in abundance, lots of fun and a relaxed atmosphere! Simple and romantic without spending a fortune! I will take care of everything for you, including the food, just contact me.
For hundreds of years, traditional gourmet Italian food has been served to wedding reception guests. Sweet liquor and strong drinks are often served to the guests, by the best man, before the dinner begins. This gives the guests a chance to toast the happy couple with "Per cent'anni" which means, for a hundred years. The menu at an Italian reception is nearly as important as the wedding itself. Guests may be served many different courses with wine and other beverages. After dinner, the customary multi-layered Italian wedding cake is often served with espresso and coffee. The sheer volume of food reflects how highly anticipated and festive a typical wedding in Italy is.
Follow Me You can keep up to date with Sagraincasa by using the links below or go to the Social Media page for my Facebook ‘live’ feed and other links.
Sagraincasa di Simona Fabrizio Voc. S. Isidoro N. 59, 05011 Allerona (TR) ITALY P.IVA 01567770555 C.F. FBRSMN72B41H501K Mobile +39 3382949961 Email info@sagraincasa.com
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“After a whirlwind romance my future husband and I decided to get married in a tiny medieval chapel on the outskirts of Rome. After the ceremony Nick whisked me away on the back of my brothers old scooter (narrowly missing the oncoming traffic), to a family run trattoria my family had been going to for years. There we celebrated with a small group of close friends and family. It really was the perfect day. Now happily settled in the beautiful hills of Umbria, I began to think wouldn't it be wonderful if other people could experience such an unforgettable day. So began the Sagra in Casa wedding project. Getting married abroad can be a very romantic idea, but the practicalities of organising a wedding in a country you have little experience of and in a language you may not speak, can be at best extremely daunting!. Why not let me help you with the organisation for your perfect day. From the ceremony best suited to you, the locations available, villa rentals, catering, photography and local transport. In short everything you need, I can help suggest, advise and book your dream wedding.
Let me organise your Wedding Day in the Italian country style If you’re planning a wedding in Italy near Orvieto, I would like to propose to you a perfect wedding in the Italian country style, in short like a SAGRA. Tables and benches, a few simple accessories for the table, food and wine in abundance, lots of fun and a relaxed atmosphere! Simple and romantic without spending a fortune! I will take care of everything for you, including the food, just contact me.
For hundreds of years, traditional gourmet Italian food has been served to wedding reception guests. Sweet liquor and strong drinks are often served to the guests, by the best man, before the dinner begins. This gives the guests a chance to toast the happy couple with "Per cent'anni" which means, for a hundred years. The menu at an Italian reception is nearly as important as the wedding itself. Guests may be served many different courses with wine and other beverages. After dinner, the customary multi-layered Italian wedding cake is often served with espresso and coffee. The sheer volume of food reflects how highly anticipated and festive a typical wedding in Italy is.
Follow Me You can keep up to date with Sagraincasa by using the links below or go to the Social Media page for my Facebook ‘live’ feed and other links.
Sagraincasa di Simona Fabrizio Voc. S. Isidoro N. 59, 05011 Allerona (TR) ITALY P.IVA 01567770555 C.F. FBRSMN72B41H501K Mobile +39 3382949961 Email info@sagraincasa.com
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